Brandon's Gift
Completed on December 25, 2001

There's a good story behind this one. I drew it for a guy named Brandon as a Christmas present. He was a really influential guy in my life. I met him about a month prior, in a computer lab at Ohio State. We got talking and I eventually showed him my website and artwork, and he told me I should really try and get some of it up in a gallery or something. I was doubtful, saying to him that my stuff doesn't really compare to hand-painted canvases because they would just be printouts that can be easily produced. But then, he asked one questions that still sticks in my mind today, having changed the way I thought completely - "But is it art?" he asked me.

And I got thinking about it, and realized he was right. It wasn't until 2003 that I began to show my artwork, but it happened. And I owe it to him. Sure, other people had encouraged me to show them, but I really feel that his question broke the threshold and got the ball rolling. So, about a month later after the incident, I drew this for him as a token of appreciation.