Berzerker (Outline)
Completed on May 31, 1998

I was so proud of myself, suddenly able to draw these shapes with a attention to detail I'd only seen in talented people. It was really a rush - I remember carrying my blue notebook around with me, showing all my new stuff to my friends in the dorm. I told them I didn't know where it all had come from, but deep down inside, I knew. We all sat around that night - they got high, I drew this. It was a pretty good vibe all around.

Anyhow, one of my longtime friends at this point was a dude who called himself Berzerker (to this day I've still never met him face-to-face). I felt it'd be pretty cool to honor him with a drawing of his own. I would go on to render it in photoshop, years later, but I kind of like it like this, just a simple sketch on paper.