Completed on July 26, 1998

I suppose I originally chose to scan this one because it looks pretty good (compared to some of the other stuff I was putting out at the time). However, I chose to call it 'OFF' because it was sort of a euphamism for where I was getting in my drawing career - I was starting to become more and more superficial. I would find myself erasing images if they didn't look good, even if they carried relevance in terms of what I needed to say. This image is a prime example of that; I can't really remember what meaning it had - I wish I could tell you how much it had, but all I remember is a blur of things. It was frustrating to see that window I had opened just two months prior starting to get clogged, but I suppose that's just the way things are; you can't expect to have access to something that pure forever, I suppose.