Listening To : Sleater-Kinney
- O2
I got a link to this site
that uses google to come up with phrases that refer to a
proper noun. This is what it had to say about me. Thanks Jack,
for the link. Here are my favorites:
matt is taking the extra
matt is new colts coach
matt is yummy's
matt is jerking off
matt is a clown
matt is great
matt is here to stay
matt is a crazy bastard
matt is king
matt is no match for frank horrigan
matt is the webmaster
matt is so cool
matt is a moron
matt is cool too cool for you
matt is scared
matt is pretty cool in those shades
matt is cute
matt is a critic
matt is way better than chocolate
matt is jerking off i remember when my favorite publicist
maria asked me if i wanted to do something on suicidegirls
matt is 2xtreme
matt is the medic on call tonight
matt is me name
matt is a ridiculously common name
matt is brilliance in a rawhide satchel
matt is king just
matt is so hot 5
matt is chair of fig commission 5 on positioning and measurement
for the period 2002 to 2006
matt is tight
matt is keen on giving his readers the details of how to run
a successful business
matt is a moron and everyone knows it
matt is in the music management business and sells cheap '80s
and '90s rock compilation cds out of several warehouses in
matt is the narrator of the film
matt is being tested as never before
matt is gone again
matt is eager to make your voice over endeavor a total success
matt is the michael jordan of music"
matt is very personable and addresses the class with everyone
in mind
matt is continuing a longstanding tradition on his mother's
side of the family
matt is like the protective one that has a strong mind and
matt is a badass pimp
matt is left alone to guard his family's newly built homestead
matt is going to come back from his hiatus to run the next
matt is out on the town
matt is not a happy one
matt is daredevil
matt is 24 year's old
matt is absolutely free
matt is likewise made a target
matt is a puzzle game in which the player must guide the eponymous
hero around each level to collect all the apples
matt is working on a new bugtown comic book series for 2003
matt is an excellent athlete and has great jumping ability
and is very fluent around the basket
matt is a megalomaniacal dictator who makes life miserable
for everyone on his staff
matt is t00 p0gi
matt is assumed dead in a bank robbery attempt in montana
where his brother and
matt is good
matt is a freshman in the college of arts and sciences
matt is playing electric guitar again yes
matt is to enhance the work by allowing it a visually neutral
area into which it may expand
matt is currently in the studio putting together his debut
matt is currently a member of the american meteorology society
matt is coached by russian michael khmel and managed by
the shadow
MATTITUDE! I am also the Michael Jordan of music so watch
*update:* I
got a LiveJournal, so check that out if you wanna.
Listening To : The Damned - I
Feel Alright
Awww Shit Yo, They Put A Median
In Today!!
I was just doing some coding a couple
of minutes ago, when I heard a screech, and from my window I
saw a Civic CX plow straight on into the new median they put
in today. Icy Cold Stunta boy here didn't get the memo. Actually,
I think it's more likely that the steering mechanism sheared
because he took the corner too fast (I've seen this happen to
many Civics before). Of course, me being the great citizen I
am, I ran out to heckle the Stuntaz, then take pictures!

After shouting at
them from my room, my bro and I went outside to see the damage.
The driver had left to get some help, to try and push the car
back home.

Hehe, so check it,
he pushed the median like 3 feet into the other lane. And what's
funnier, is that you can see the skidmarks as he tries to turn
in vain.

Uh Oh! That don't
taste so good! Looks like some bendage there!

Here the driver's
friends come, they're still waiting for the tow truck now as
I type. That makes them SAAAAAAD pandas.... :( They tried to
push it home, but the front axle was so badly damaged, it wasn't
So there's a lesson
in this kids:
1) Civics don't
handle tight fast turns very well
2) Don't drive 20-30k over the speed limit, into a median
3) Movable medians are tricky lil' bastards. They appear at
the least convenient times.
4) Your friends (and numerous people on the internet) will laugh
at you for driving into immobile objects!
driver of the "VAGOS"! You have won the prestigious
All the Mistakes that I make,
couldn't be made without you.
Just got a message from my dark master
(AKA my thesis supervisor), whom I cannot disobey. Got to make
an annotated diagram for him so this'll be short.
I've wanted to post up tracklistings for
my mixes for a while, so here's the track listing for my current
mix CD that I made recently:
01. Catherine - Whisper
02. Harvey Danger - Private Helicopter
03. the Primrods - Atom Smasher
04. the Vines - Get Free
05. Bikini Kill - Capri Pants
06. the Damned - Smash It Up
07. Goldfinger - Spokesman
08. Reel Big Fish - Thank You For Not Moshing
09. cky - Flesh Into Gear
10. Queens of the Stone Age - First It Giveth
11. Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - Love Burns
12. Fluffy - I Wanna Be Your Lush
13. A Perfect Cicrcle - Magdalena
14. HIM - Your Sweet 666
15. Tool - Parabola
16. System of a Down - Toxicity
17. Anti Nowhere League - So What!
18. Type O Negative - My Girlfriend's Girlfriend
19. PM5K - Bombshell
So I got the new SOAD album yesterday...
it's a little disappointing, but maybe it'll grow on me like
the last one did. Me = psyched for Metroid Prime on GC now too.
And I'll probably get Metroid Fusion for GBA to play as well...
as soon as I can finish Yoshi's Island. Back to Solidworks for
the afternoon.
Oh yeah, and Foxy and Tintalle came over
for games and fun last night. hax0rbunny
went home with Tintalle again, after having adventures at the
University with Sh0gunZ, butnot without saying goodbye to her
(his?) parents for thanksgiving.
So I was told this week about some possible
legal implications of my Master's work. It sucks, I can't even
talk about it here. Lots of paperwork etc. getting in the way
of me getting free. It's all done now. Spent the rest of the
day today playing MOO2 on my ancient computer ... which somehow
has corrupted the desktop so the icons don't show up. MOO2 crashes
every time I build stuff on certain planets, or mess around
with captured prisoners... my ancient ASUS P2B-D mobo must not
like the new Radeon 9000 I threw in there... alas. And alack.
I just hope it lives long enough to do my Solidworks stuff and
then I can get a new one when I get a job...
Heretoforth (hehe I used heretoforth)
I am known as the UBERDORK! I decided to do my self-portrait
in Bad Dudes style tonight in order to raise myself out of the
depths of depression, as it was the best thing I could think
of to do :

With many apologies to SA's
JeffK :D R00FLE!
And pardon my continual reference
to dorkdom
(you have to be *that* good to be 007), but check this
auction on ebay out!! I think somebody's gone batshit...
the description says this sealed Metroid cart was found in a
warehouse, I'll bet there's probably more than one of them that
they found. At the time of this writing it was $250US... kee-razy!
It wasn't as rad as the auction I saw for the big box Stack-Up
though, I think it stopped around $500US.
Not that I wouldn't mind
having it myself if I were some sort of evil billionaire genius
instead of an apathetic ten-aire student. Although you can look
on ebay and see
what I've won lately... I haven't been treated too badly...
hehe I've got credit, I'll survive.
"Nobody lingers like your
hands on my heart,
nobody figures, like you figure me out..."
Back From the Deadly - What's
Hey everybody, if there is anybody,
who for some reason still visits this page. I haven't updated
since Christmas 2001, and I decided that since my Master's work
is almost finished, I'd redesign the old page for a change of
pace. If you only care about my DCDev projects, this update
is probably not going to interest you very much.
Here's the story of why I'm not
done my degree yet: This is the one year anniversary of my Achilles
tendon rupture. I couldn't walk for like 3 months after the
rupture (thus why FrNES 0.60 final was released last year, because
I had time to code away from the office). I healed well, but
I lost 3 months of work time. I was interrupted again when my
friend Foxy and I went to Germany and Ireland for a vacation
(which, unlike my injury, was well worth the effort). Ryan introduced
me to many of his friends in foreign lands, and I was very happy
to make more than a few of them my own friends. I returned in
June, and have been cranking on thesis writing, software development
and detail design of a product with reckless abandon ever since.
I have a few more weeks of writing and various other tasks that
need to be taken care of before I can set a defense date.
So what do I want to do now besides
graduate? I want to code a Dreamcast version of the popular
Settlers of Catan board game ... incredibly dorky I know (sings
*I've got a dungeon master's
guide, I've got a 12 sided die...*) but it'll be fun to
do some hobby coding for the first time in a long time. Also
I did a ton of songwriting on my trip, at least at the primeordeal
level, and I'm looking at demoing a bunch of my own songs for
a new rawk-oriented project. I'm also starting as the drummer
for the Odgen power rockers, the Army Surplus Six, and helping
with songwriting duties there alongside longtime friend and
collaborator R. Fitz (not to be confused with R. Kelly).
More or less.. the blog starts
here... my hosting doesn't have PHP, Server side includes or
database functions at all, so I'll have to edit this shizzat
by hand every time I want to change something, but I may put
a lil' server up at home (*shh don't tell Shaw!*) to do these
things should it become a large enough hassle.
-Matt (ReGex)
"Independance and Indifferance
are the wings that allow the heart to fly..."